Recent Profile Archive Shoutouts
Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 8:22 PM

MORE PICS. since I'm really in no mood to blog.

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Nat. Metal. Always.

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Retards too.

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Freaky blood patch thingy at Old abandoned Changi Hospital.

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Stupid ass chicken. We're eating your children.

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Retard again.

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Hit & Run Victims. Dial 999 if you have any information.

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Kuku Bro and Sis. =.=

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Sunday, November 26, 2006, 9:00 AM

(insert poem here)

Haha. LOL.
Boredom X 657493046769394756 times.
I'll just upload some pictures then.

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With Hari Raya done, lets get ready for Xmas!! =D

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Reflections =D!!

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Ok. I'm bored. Bye.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 8:30 PM

Some people...sigh.
So full of themselves. Sometimes, I feel like walking right up to their faces and suan them like siao. But I can't. I just realized something.


I really don't know how to explain this. But somehow, I seem to have acquired the ability to easily shrug off any inconvenience, insults or meanieness. Actually. I just ignore them. Or smile. Or turn those moments into something funny or positive by cracking a joke or further insulting myself to satisfy the other party. Seriously, I have NO time for some "retaliating" bullshit anymore. LoL. Whats the point of being mean in the first place? To divulge how superior you are over that certain individual? Or you just don't like him/her? Come on. Why dwell on such things when you can use the time for something more meaningful or beneficial?
Hatred? Contempt? Then just IGNORE. WTF is so hard about ignoring people? They may be doing something that's displeasing to your eye. But who f*cking cares? Is ignorance/tolerance SO HARD??
I really hate it when people start to be mean towards each other.

On to other stuff.....
I would also like to clarify something with some of the GUYS.
The act of OOGLING.
Yes. Oogling. It's nice. Depends on the object you oogle at. Kickass systems, new consoles, games, clothes, shoes, whatever.
But what I don't get is why some guys really like to oogle at GIRLS.
Yeah, it's not wrong, due to hormonal changes or whatever.
And they'll go like..

"Eh. That girl very chio ah..."
"Today wan go out take number from girl?"
"Wah look look! CHIOBU!!"
"Help me take number leh."

But I think it's stupid.

Luffy's Rule on Why You Shouldn't OOGLE at GIRLS.
(No offense to girls)

- It shows that you are a loser who needs MAJOR SOCIAL RESTRUCTURING. You must have had guy friends since you were small. UNDERSTANDABLE.

- Why bother to see and comment when you don't/won't/can't know them? EYE CANDY? I rather have a $10 bowl of Yong Tau Foo.

- It's rude to stare at other people, then whisper something to your friend beside. They might think you're insulting them or something, thus, invites trouble.

- Just got out of NS? UNDERSTANDABLE.

- Getting a GF? At this age? NOT NECESSARY.

- It's stupid.

- Don't have the balls to ask for numbers? THEN STOP NUDGING OTHERS TO LOOK AT SOME FEMALE FACE/BODY/LEGS/ASS.

Please stop. Its annoying.
It's not cool.
You look like a desperate loser looking for pity sex.
May people like you die with strange sounds.

Monday, November 20, 2006, 11:14 PM

wah lau.

Imagine feeling so happy and carefree.
Running around, doing stupid stuff.


Some IDIOTS start to talk about your academic performance.

Can you guys at least leave me alone to be happy FOR ONCE.?!

Home DOESN't feel like home anymore.

Sunday, November 19, 2006, 11:52 PM

The Big Sleep.
It has arrived.
To where shall I strive?
The albatross, hangs around my heart.
Chains and balls, guilt on guard.

Oh well.
Move on.
Just leave it to fate.
Now its time, open the gate.
Smile, turn those frowns mate.
Its now all available,
new tools to new trades.

Old problems. Sigh.
They still persist.
New ones? Ugh.
Evermore grotesque.
So sick, tired and meek.
And suddenly,
Kendrick pops out and "MEEP"s

So when you close your eyes for the Big Sleep,
Won't you think of me.
It's promised.
A better time, a better place.
For each and everyone of us to be.

Except me.
Oh how did it come to this.


Saturday, November 18, 2006, 10:48 PM

Sometimes. I get so exhausted. I feel so depressed, so tired of everything. I want to throw everything away. I want to be something NEW. I want to stop tolerating, refresh my list of friends and stop trying to make others happy at the expense of my own happiness.


Everytime I want to, something stops me.
When I really think about it, I just feel like crying(can't cry though, must act macho)
About how lucky I am.

Even though sometimes, people really wear me out. But there are still some who won't fail to put a smile on my face. Usually when I'm down, I don't talk about it. You might be able to see it through my facial expression, even though I claim I'm OK. But in actual fact. I'm not. I slug around, totally depressed and moody. The only time when I talk about my problems with someone else is when I really don't know what to do.

I dedicate this post to none other than my friends and family. You guys can't imagine how special and lucky I feel right now.

Thank You.

Saturday, November 11, 2006, 1:12 AM

Denise actually asked LIFFY to do this. But being the nice LUFFY, I'll do it for me. =D

Never in my life have I:
Licked my elbow.
That 1 person can make me nuts, but can make me smile:
I like lines because they are:
Line-y. Can twist them into curly-wurlys!
When I'm nervous, I will:
The last time when I laughed was:
Just now, playing with my cousin.
My curly is:
My fingerprints? they are curly. =D
My feet are:
Long and rough.
Last Christmas:
I bought chocolates for people.
When I turn my head left to see:
My fishtank.
When I turn my head right to see:
My hall.
When I look down, I see:
My shorts, chair and floor.
The craziest event ever:
I have a hard time understanding:
Twits and L33+
One time at a family gathering:
I played Fifa 2006.
You know I like-like you:
Banana. =D
If I win an award, the first person I can thank is :
The person who made it possible. ME.
Triangles are:
sharp at the edges.
My ideal breakfast is:
If you make me happy:
Congrats. Another happy soul in the world.
I'll stop my wedding if:
I don't feel like it.
I rather lick the belly of the cockroach:
I won't do that.
Most recent thing you bought youself:
A top hat from TopMan.
Most recent thing someone else bought for you:
A movie.
My least favourite part of the day :
The time when you feel pretty wasted.
The last time when I was high :
At Sentosa inhaling laughing gas.
The person I last talked to :
Wei Arng.
Last night I :
Played RYL2 till 7am.
There's this girl I know who:
is very nice.
There is this guy I know:
who I eff-ing hate.
I tell you the person who will make you happy:
Monkeys and Ninjas.
I am listening to :
My stomach grumbling.
I last ate:
Imagine a $10 bowl of yong tau foo.
My bedsheets:
Are Garfields and teddy bears.
I smell:
On my table i have:
A cup, handphone, wallet, plastic bag, follscap, tissue box, Oxy box, choc wrappers, tons of papers and cds.
My full name:
See my profile you prick.
The next victims :
Lets stop the survey madness.
Everytime you do a survey, a ninja cuts off a kitten's head and doesn't even care.
So please. Think of the kittens.

Friday, November 03, 2006, 8:00 PM

Disclaimer: This is not a racist post. What is written are mostly my thoughts and ramblings on the flaws of my society. If it does offend you in any way, please leave me a message at stating how have you been offended by this post, and I will think about it.

Today, I have been ultimately pissed off. By what else? My OWN society. Yeah, some of you have heard of how I ramble on about these things. Like for instance, while taking a ride in the mrt, going down to 7-11, going to town, we will always be haunted by the presence of a certain stereotype that I hate to the CORE.

(pronouciation: mat rapes, not mat as in mattress)
If you don't really know WHAT they are, here's a visual.

They in their "branded" stuff, dyed hair,tight tapered pants with SLIPPERS(wtf?), piercings, stupid lingo and their stupid way of wearing a hat. OH MAN. JUST SHIT THEM.

Firstly, let me tell you, my fellow readers out there more in-depth info about the state of my society right now. This "MAT" style is spreading fast throughout the country. Last year was worse though, but still, I feel the burning desire to grab a flamethrower and flame these guys. But if I did that, I would have killed 50%-70% of the Malay Population in Singapore, and thats just sad. There is no way to eradicate this problem.

Why do I hate them so much? Well, maybe its because how "STEP" they are, stare here, stare there, pick on people they don't even know(but still, ignorance is bliss =D), RUINING CERTAIN TRENDS and are so corrupt by the devil, that I think they should not even be called Malay. It's just embarrassing.

You know those striped long-sleeve shirts? White and Black, Purple and Black...blabla..yada get the idea. Those were cool, till they invaded them. Take a trip to town and look around. You'll see tons of em', the whole group WEARING THE SAME DESGIN(different colour) and parading around like they own the place, AND THATS BLOODY ANNOYING.



Today, as you take a bus, go shopping or anything, you'll see primary school kids becoming "Mats-in-the-making", dyed hair..tapered pants..blabla..haiz... Everything's just so sad.

Oh. Not forgetting, I'll be making/directing/producing a documentry about them, probably will be released mid-2007, after Adventures Of Luffy and Friends which will be coming out early 2007.

And also, Good Luck for O's people! This will be my last post before the O's. Thank you for being such loyal readers. We will meet again, once we have achived our freedom.

Goodnight. =)

7:00 PM

Favourite colour: purple,black,red
Favourite food: food
Favourite movie: movies
Favourite sport: rugby,street soccer
Favourite day of the week: Friday
Favourite ice-cream: COOKIES AND CREAM
Favourite TV shows: Prison Break, Goong
Current mood: SIAN
Current taste: Some Pizza Hut would be nice
Current clothes: t-shirt. short shorts. =.=
Current desktop: wth? Xp? or stuff on my desk top? then its cups. -.-
Current toenail colour: pinkish,peachish,
Current time: 3am
Current annoyance: oily face.
Current thoughts: What the heck am i doing at the com!?
First best friends: hmm. i dont remember
First crush: when I was small, my bike fell and crushed my ankle. =.=
First movie: Jurassic Park
First lie: forgot~
First music: classical.
Last cigarette: i dont.
Last drink: F&N Orange
Last car ride: Yesterday to Bukit Batok
Last crush: i was crushed by a bigger bicycle few months ago.
Last phone call: MOM
Last CD played: mp3 disc
Have you ever dated one of your best friends: umm. why? shoud i?
Have you ever broken the law: countless
Have you ever been arrested: no
Have you ever skinny dipped: yes, in the shower
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know?: i think i did.
Have you ever loved and lost someone: lol. DUH.
I'll just stop here. Coz kinda lazy. hahs.