Sunday, June 24, 2007, 7:13 PM
and yes I'm feeling kinda lazy. 3 projects not done, most due next week.
Nah. Somehow, I'll manage. I won't take back my words. I'm gonna top my class.
Then, transfer to some other course next semester or year. Heh.
Friday, June 22, 2007, 5:42 PM

I don't know why. But I just feel so sad when I look at this picture. Which reminds me of this story. There was this little girl once, and she had a white fluffy bunny. Her bunny was called Fluffy, and she would carry Fluffy everywhere she went. She did almost everything with Fluffy. She would play her toys with Fluffy, and at night, she would tell bedtime stories to him. She loved Fluffy, and I guess he loved her too, 'cos he would never run too far away from her and would happily hop into her arms whenever she called him. Fluffy even knew when to wake the little girl up every morning. But one day. Little girl woke up late that morning. She thought Fluffy was just tired so she let him sleep awhile longer. But you know what? Fluffy never woke up. Fluffy died. Little girl got so sad, she committed suicide. Little girl's parents became depressed. They quarrelled and divorced. Not long later, they died due to stress. Their families were left in a wreck of sorrow and depression. More bad things happened, and the sadness was rippled throughout the whole country. In every form of possible. Economical. Social. Psychological. Now you tell me. If Fluffy didn't die that day. What would have happened? Would little girl still be alive? Only to die in a car accident the next day? Maybe to suffer for the rest of her life from a chronic disease? Or maybe got kidnapped, mutilated and sold to other countries? Okay, enough sadist talk. If one bunny could make such an impact. Why can't you? You'll never know. Even if it's small. What you did could actually change someone's life forever.
Because all of us are in each other's hands. Save a life.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 7:27 PM
Sento Pics.
cheeeesecake :D
I don't know. Is this life? I find myself nowadays, sitting on rocks or just lying on the grass under the stars, looking so far out into the universe. Sometimes, I just wish I could reach out to those stars. Maybe move 'em around or something. Maybe I could change the world, or at least, make a difference in someone's life. It's okay if you don't get what I'm trying to say. Sometimes I don't understand myself too.
 jump shots are always cool. heh.
I'm tired. But I can't help it. Just have to push on. For love and passion. Well, mostly passion. But what's more important; my group of lovely everybodies. To let loose and just jump for joy as we crap and entertain each other's antics. It's nice to know you have so many people who would jump with you anytime you feel so frustrated. Luffy loves everyone, and he doesn't HATE or get angry (: Only emo at times okayy.
You can't avoid it. There are always those times when you just feel so abandoned and lonely. Then the feeling of being unwanted creeps in, and you start to think of silly things, which won't feel so silly during those times. You can't wait for the next day to start because you want to see everyone again. If it's possible, I just want everyone to live in a super huge mansion together. But nah, that just sounds too impossible. I can go on and on about everything, but I'm just too darn tired now, and I probably won't continue it if I leave this hanging. I'll just end with pictures now.
Saturday, June 16, 2007, 4:31 PM
First up, Replies to Tags. :D
dallas >>> haha, no need to see la, just know nicer than yours can liao. hahaha.
angie >>> Hahhahaha. :D, ill still call you chubby wubby though.
joey >>> it got too annoying. hahaha.
daniel >>> heh. nth la. wah basket, like that lor
sarah >>> Hhahahaha. Ill slowly cut down that nickname :D
Ok, I was gonna post pics. But got lazy. Do it tomorrow!
Friday, June 15, 2007, 2:21 AM
East Coast Park pictures! :D

 Super Low 6! Hahaha.

Slacking. Bitching. Gossiping. Emo-ing. Unity Unite Reunited!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 3:23 PM
Goodbye wonderful cute fluffy hair. Luffy will miss you.
 Mark of the BLOOB! Evil Twin I miss you! Let your inner chic shine!
Now my hair's like, so ub3r freaking short. Oh wells. Give it a few months, it's gonna be HOT! :D
Went for dinner at some Jetty Restaurant thingy called 'Saujana' at Malaysia on Sunday. AHH WHEN AM I GONNA GET A NEW PHONE. OR CAMERA. I NEED A CAMERA. I keep using my siblings' phones to camwhore. And the show it off to my friends. Ftwbbq. Should've deleted them after sending 'em to Mr.lappy, transfer to an SD card, put the SD card into an mp3 player, connecting the mp3 player to the PC, and transfer from there, edit them, then upload to Photobucket. :0 (gasps for air). Yea, cool process huh? =.=' Anyways, here's some pics.
Didn't have much appetite that day, knowing that I was gonna miss THE BIG GROOVE 2007, one of Asia's largest Hip Hop Festival. Whacking Crew Orchestra (W.C.O.) from Japan and Ground Scatter Crew from Thailand ARE PERFORMING!!!!!11!11 Also, other dance crews. T.P. DANCE ENSEMBLE! YOU GUYS DID GREAT! w00t. :D Yeah, but last minute, realized could still make it to the concert, 30mins late. It's better than nothing, and it was worth rushing all the way from Johore, then cabbing down to Expo.
Having first modern dance lesson tomorrow, after that, I guess I'll be slacking with MWC guys all the way till next morning. SO EXCITING. LOL. Hahaha. Okay. Nights!
Saturday, June 09, 2007, 6:08 PM
Background. In Silence. Looks on. Days. Months. Years. Every Single Moment. Remembered. Every Single Thing. Kept. Presence. Is all that's needed.
All. Just a razorblade stuck in the heart. Now shoo.
Friday, June 08, 2007, 9:44 PM
SCHOOL'S OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTT!!!!!!!!!!!! Pictures to come.... :D
Saturday, June 02, 2007, 3:26 PM
Sunday, June 24, 2007, 7:13 PM
and yes I'm feeling kinda lazy. 3 projects not done, most due next week.
Nah. Somehow, I'll manage. I won't take back my words. I'm gonna top my class.
Then, transfer to some other course next semester or year. Heh.
Friday, June 22, 2007, 5:42 PM

I don't know why. But I just feel so sad when I look at this picture. Which reminds me of this story. There was this little girl once, and she had a white fluffy bunny. Her bunny was called Fluffy, and she would carry Fluffy everywhere she went. She did almost everything with Fluffy. She would play her toys with Fluffy, and at night, she would tell bedtime stories to him. She loved Fluffy, and I guess he loved her too, 'cos he would never run too far away from her and would happily hop into her arms whenever she called him. Fluffy even knew when to wake the little girl up every morning. But one day. Little girl woke up late that morning. She thought Fluffy was just tired so she let him sleep awhile longer. But you know what? Fluffy never woke up. Fluffy died. Little girl got so sad, she committed suicide. Little girl's parents became depressed. They quarrelled and divorced. Not long later, they died due to stress. Their families were left in a wreck of sorrow and depression. More bad things happened, and the sadness was rippled throughout the whole country. In every form of possible. Economical. Social. Psychological. Now you tell me. If Fluffy didn't die that day. What would have happened? Would little girl still be alive? Only to die in a car accident the next day? Maybe to suffer for the rest of her life from a chronic disease? Or maybe got kidnapped, mutilated and sold to other countries? Okay, enough sadist talk. If one bunny could make such an impact. Why can't you? You'll never know. Even if it's small. What you did could actually change someone's life forever.
Because all of us are in each other's hands. Save a life.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007, 7:27 PM
Sento Pics.
cheeeesecake :D
I don't know. Is this life? I find myself nowadays, sitting on rocks or just lying on the grass under the stars, looking so far out into the universe. Sometimes, I just wish I could reach out to those stars. Maybe move 'em around or something. Maybe I could change the world, or at least, make a difference in someone's life. It's okay if you don't get what I'm trying to say. Sometimes I don't understand myself too.
 jump shots are always cool. heh.
I'm tired. But I can't help it. Just have to push on. For love and passion. Well, mostly passion. But what's more important; my group of lovely everybodies. To let loose and just jump for joy as we crap and entertain each other's antics. It's nice to know you have so many people who would jump with you anytime you feel so frustrated. Luffy loves everyone, and he doesn't HATE or get angry (: Only emo at times okayy.
You can't avoid it. There are always those times when you just feel so abandoned and lonely. Then the feeling of being unwanted creeps in, and you start to think of silly things, which won't feel so silly during those times. You can't wait for the next day to start because you want to see everyone again. If it's possible, I just want everyone to live in a super huge mansion together. But nah, that just sounds too impossible. I can go on and on about everything, but I'm just too darn tired now, and I probably won't continue it if I leave this hanging. I'll just end with pictures now.
Saturday, June 16, 2007, 4:31 PM
First up, Replies to Tags. :D
dallas >>> haha, no need to see la, just know nicer than yours can liao. hahaha.
angie >>> Hahhahaha. :D, ill still call you chubby wubby though.
joey >>> it got too annoying. hahaha.
daniel >>> heh. nth la. wah basket, like that lor
sarah >>> Hhahahaha. Ill slowly cut down that nickname :D
Ok, I was gonna post pics. But got lazy. Do it tomorrow!
Friday, June 15, 2007, 2:21 AM
East Coast Park pictures! :D

 Super Low 6! Hahaha.

Slacking. Bitching. Gossiping. Emo-ing. Unity Unite Reunited!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007, 3:23 PM
Goodbye wonderful cute fluffy hair. Luffy will miss you.
 Mark of the BLOOB! Evil Twin I miss you! Let your inner chic shine!
Now my hair's like, so ub3r freaking short. Oh wells. Give it a few months, it's gonna be HOT! :D
Went for dinner at some Jetty Restaurant thingy called 'Saujana' at Malaysia on Sunday. AHH WHEN AM I GONNA GET A NEW PHONE. OR CAMERA. I NEED A CAMERA. I keep using my siblings' phones to camwhore. And the show it off to my friends. Ftwbbq. Should've deleted them after sending 'em to Mr.lappy, transfer to an SD card, put the SD card into an mp3 player, connecting the mp3 player to the PC, and transfer from there, edit them, then upload to Photobucket. :0 (gasps for air). Yea, cool process huh? =.=' Anyways, here's some pics.
Didn't have much appetite that day, knowing that I was gonna miss THE BIG GROOVE 2007, one of Asia's largest Hip Hop Festival. Whacking Crew Orchestra (W.C.O.) from Japan and Ground Scatter Crew from Thailand ARE PERFORMING!!!!!11!11 Also, other dance crews. T.P. DANCE ENSEMBLE! YOU GUYS DID GREAT! w00t. :D Yeah, but last minute, realized could still make it to the concert, 30mins late. It's better than nothing, and it was worth rushing all the way from Johore, then cabbing down to Expo.
Having first modern dance lesson tomorrow, after that, I guess I'll be slacking with MWC guys all the way till next morning. SO EXCITING. LOL. Hahaha. Okay. Nights!
Saturday, June 09, 2007, 6:08 PM
Background. In Silence. Looks on. Days. Months. Years. Every Single Moment. Remembered. Every Single Thing. Kept. Presence. Is all that's needed.
All. Just a razorblade stuck in the heart. Now shoo.
Friday, June 08, 2007, 9:44 PM
SCHOOL'S OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTT!!!!!!!!!!!! Pictures to come.... :D
Saturday, June 02, 2007, 3:26 PM
"Lunfy", haha. I'm 19 this year. I like loud people, sports, gym, dancing, singing, the beach, whatever that makes me feel alive. Well, I guess I'll look like any other guy out on the street if you see me. Just like how everyone looks like. But if you do take the time and trouble to know the people you deemed "similar" and "insignificant", the world wouldn't look so big anymore. I like being nice to people, people whom I've never known, seen or spoken to before. Pretty much random acts of kindness, not caring to whom, what, when or where. But too bad, almost no one in this country doesn't really know how to react to kindness. Either they'll act as if nothing happened or stare at you like some freak. I always believed that a single smile can change someone's life totally. I'm a heavy chain smoker, but I did manage to cut down alot this year. I appreciate a wide range of music. I hate the fact that some people label themselves with genres and be so narrow-minded about music. I believe no one can find true love, because it finds you. Till then, please be patient. Don't go starting off meaningless relationships or relationships you know that won't last. I hate the fact that out in the streets, people are collecting cans for a living while our ministers dance around and earn millions each year. Politics around the world are getting more and more ridiculous each day. To me, there seems to be no such thing as democracy anymore, but downright capitalism everywhere. I support movements for human rights and against animal abuse. Even though our freedom and rights have been taken away by ridiculous laws, I believe we can still make a difference one day. Once I told my friends I'd stay here and fight for what I believe in till I made a difference rather than migrate with them to somewhere else, and I got made fun of. It's okay I guess, because some people don't really understand. I have a bad habit of observing people, their actions, reactions, and attitude. But oh well, at least that makes me get along with almost everyone I meet in my life. I just pity people with social defects.
So that's all for now. Maybe I'll add more stuff soon and maybe some pictures. See ya.
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