Recent Profile Archive Shoutouts
Wednesday, February 28, 2007, 2:14 PM

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I guess sometimes, we just have to unwind, let loose and have fun. Er, wait, we are doing that all the time now. Or is it just me? o.0!?
I really hope I got through for the interview for Mass Comm.
Me, a lowly 18-pointer. =(

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Sigh. Well, let's just sit back and see what's coming next.
There's nothing more I can do now.


Saturday, February 24, 2007, 11:06 AM

This is wrong. This is SO wrong.
What have I done?

I uploaded videos of my stunts last year in Unity, and now?
The juniors are doing 'em too. Oh man, Water The Flowers.
Woohoo. Go Luffy, bad influence. Now everyone is following you.

Due to SOME KID who uploaded too many of his "stunts" to YouTube, the school administration has somehow been informed of this trend, and now I am probably the one to blame.
*Ouch my school rep.

This is not how I wanted to be remembered as. Ugh, those munchkins.

NO. You are not cool. I know it's okay to have fun. But if you wanna do you "serious" parkour/yamakasi sh*t, PLEASE, do it outside the school, poseurs. The reason I made those videos was to have some fun. I didn't go overboard like some retard who uploaded 5 or 10 videos up of himself jumping around in school.
Please, please, please, DO NOT try to act HARD. Cos' you people do look like noobs trying to act hard. Let me say this out loud:

You are NOT The Munkey.
You can NEVER be The Munkey.
You may NOT do what The Munkey did.

So run along and go create your own different little legacy if you feel like leaving a mark in the school. Don't be dragging me down and ruining my reputation.

Phew. See? I'm starting to think negative again.
*Hums "How To Save a Life" tune.
Hmph. Thats better. :D

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Wednesday, February 21, 2007, 3:31 PM

Can't blog.
This is so annoying.

Monday, February 19, 2007, 7:46 PM

No offense to all CNY-loving people but-

THE CNY SONGS playing 24/7 at my workplace are REALLY getting on my nerves.
So much, that I have to either camp inside the bloody FREEZER(which is like, freaking below ZERO degrees), or blast my songs till my handphone battery drains out (which usually happens 3/4 through my 15hr shift).

(screamed in the same way as in the no pork sound clip)

Ugh, I think I'm quitting after CNY.
I found a nicer job. :D

Oh, please flame MARK instead of me for inciting my hate for CNY.
Thank You. :D

Sunday, February 18, 2007, 9:43 AM

I just realized.

I can only blog emo, sad and depressing stuff. I don't know, I just feel awkward blogging about happy stuff or daily routines/events.

Heal the world people, make it a better place.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007, 7:48 PM

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No, my Valentines wish this year is not for a special girl.
Nor is it for just for a person.
But it is, for all my friends that I've known in my life.
The friends who have made my life easier to live.
I love you guys.
Thank you, and enjoy your Valentines.

With Love,

Monday, February 12, 2007, 5:45 PM

Regrets, regrets and regrets.

"the point is, we shouldn't. we will learn from each and every regret and eventually, we all become better people because for the things we regretted in the first place."

"everything bad thing that comes is really a blessing in disguise for something else."

Thanks Mark.

Saturday, February 10, 2007, 7:30 PM

Wait a freaking minute.
Don't give me that crap. WTF is "I don't know what I did" supposed to mean? OH WAIT, you don't even KNOW half the things you do. Yes, the world is yours, but that doesn't mean you can go around being YOU and not giving a FUCK about other people and their feelings.

Oh, what? What did you say? "SORRY" ? To be frank, I'm so freaking SICK of that word. You don't know what YOU did, and it seems that you DON'T even care to find out, not even ONE SMALL TINY PATHETIC EFFORT. You can't even imagine the anger, sadness, hatred and depression I went through because of your actions in the first place. Oh well, its seems SO YOU.

Yes, I guess you've realized. Lots of people are treating you differently now. It's not my intention to make them that way. You want to know why? Why everyone was still treating you right when we're still BUDDIES? Yeah, they already hated you in the first place, you're just completely oblivious to all that hidden hatred. They knew we were close, and they knew it would REALLY disappoint me if they kept shootin' at ya because FOR ALL THESE YEARS, I've been the one behind, beside and infront of you, DEFENDING your freaking reputation and trying to persuade them that you're actually a NICE GUY. I NEVER wanted anything from you. The only thing I NEEDED was to be treated the RIGHT way. Thats all.

It went fine, yes, although you're an intolerable insensitive piece of shit, it seems out of the whole school, I was the one who could actually tolerate you and your antics. Why? Because I thought you were different. For once, I had someone close enough to call a BROTHER, and I REALLY do think you are cool, although you have SUCH a shitty attitude. You were WORTH every single FREAKING BREAKDOWN I held back and endured.

Yes, it was THAT bad. But I was right though. 2 months in ACJC DID turn you to SUCH a JERK. More than I could handle, more than EVER. Fine, you have BETTER and more WORTHY friends. Friends most are JUST LIKE YOU.

You know what? I could actually see the BIG FREAKING difference between your ACJC FRIENDS and Kenn/Daniel 's SAJC FRIENDS. You should know from this comparison, which of them treats me in a decent way and which makes me feel like an inferior piece of SHIT on the floor.

Just to refresh you memory, let me ask.
"Did you have fun at JJC jackass?"

Let me remind you that I made a promise to you last time, and I intend to keep it.
I'm not a jerk.
Expect an envelope at your mailbox at the end of this month.

Oh, and also CONGRATULATIONS on your 6 distinctions.
I would be so damn proud of you now, but I hate you too much to even do that.
You are indeed, ACJC MATERIAL.

Good Luck then, and have fun without me in your life.
I made up my mind, and nothing's gonna change it.

Thursday, February 08, 2007, 8:00 PM

Let it be official.
That today, I denounce any ties with you.
Welcome to hell jackass.

I've decided what to do with my new life. I'm quitting rugby for good and taking up a new sport/hobby. I still have my rock-climbing, and I'm thinking of joining Rudy at Ngee Ann Poly in Skating. It's been VERY long since I've worn skates. I've skated from K1 to Primary 6, 8 years, and when secondary school started, I stopped skating, cos' I outgrew them, and I only skated that time for fun. I skated alone most of the time. I don't know why, but I always seem to find myself doing very different things from the people around me.

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I snuck out 2 nights ago. I know I could get in a hell lot of trouble if my mom found out, but I just can't be bothered. I needed to sit alone and think. It was 2am. No one was around. The only people I saw were just taxi drivers.

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I stared through the grill fence of the mrt station. I started to think about my life since Sec 1. Yeah, its kinda short, 4 years, but these 4 years have made me into the person I am now. I could still remember our laughter, our cries and the conversations we all had. I remembered every little thing I did with everyone. Although many you guys already forgot, I still do remember. Memories too sweet to let go.

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Just got back just now from the new court at Yew Tee. Met with Daryl and Bao Xiang, and had very long conversations about our lives.
Seriously speaking, I'm very proud of the person Daryl has grown to become. Although its too late now because O levels have ended, he really has changed. He's grown to be someone more matured than last year. He knows his mistakes in life and he really cares about his family and his friends. I don't know whether he'll read this, but if he does, all I want to say is I'm proud of you man. Thanks for being there.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007, 3:20 PM

No tabs. No scores. No reference. No planning.
Just 10 years of playing.

9:20 AM

My classmate. My friend. My best friend. My teammate. My buddy.
My brother.

Hello Jackass.

Friday, February 02, 2007, 9:20 PM

The facts.
It had to hurt me.
I made a promise. I intend to keep it.
But now, everything's just so damn freaking hard.
I'll just ruin their mood or bore them.
I guess all I need is for Poly term to start earlier.
I can't stand another day like this.
Yeah. I'd be lying if I said I moved on.
'Cos I just can't.
Oh, btw
Now, on a more positive page.
Let me show you guys a video. Quite a sadistic video. Don't worry, there's no one dying or getting hurt.

It's just my definition of "Hashing"

Ok, lameness aside. On to more official stuff.
Vital Information on Mats. I'm just helping to advertise. =)

Ok, now, leave me alone. I'm going to keep to myself for the remaining days till O Level results are released.
Tomorrow is JJC's Carnival. I really don't feel like going anymore. I'm just so damn pissed and in a really horrible mood. The reason I did away my tag-board? Well, I realized that nobody ever gives constructive comments. I doubt anyone's REALLY reading all this crap anyway. So now, it's not Luffy's blog anymore. It's Luffy's journal. LOL. Ugh, I sound so desperate for attention.

I really feel like putting a password for my blog to keep away FAMILY MEMBERS, so I can type more personal issues and also stuff they should not know about. Hmph, it's just so damn hard to get a little privacy around here.